Tropical Balm Read online

Page 13

  Pulling up in the driveway, Teal grinned at the warm welcome she received from the children. The car rocked before it even stopped as the kids swarmed it.

  Getting out, Teal admonished them. “Kids. You could get hurt, playing near the car like that. Please, be careful.”

  When their expressions turned to frowns for displeasing her, she grinned and distracted them by asking, “Who would like to help me unload supplies?”

  Pandemonium broke out as they all grabbed for the doors, trying to get inside for the supplies. Teal laughed and stepped back. In moments, the car was empty, but for her flute case.

  Leah stood at the door, smiling in welcome.

  “Hi! Welcome back. Now maybe we can get some work done! They have missed you, Ms. Teal. So have I for that matter.”

  Hugging her friend, Teal grinned. Hearing thunder from afar, she frowned.

  “Looks like a storm’s rolling in Leah. I wish we had the new building ready.”

  “It is hurricane season. We don’t have a radio to tell us, but that looks like the beginnings of a hurricane to me.”

  Teal shuddered. “I have never been in one. Where to you take cover?” she asked.

  “Did you notice that our homes are built with concrete, and not wood?” Leah asked.

  “Except for the old schoolhouse room, yes I have. Don’t you fear the storms Leah?” she asked.

  “Only a fool would ignore the danger of a hurricane, Ms. Teal. You need to take cover in a solid structure, never go into the forest. Trees get uprooted, and it is very dangerous.”

  Shivering, Teal rubbed her arms. “Well, I guess we better get class underway so we can get them home before it hits. I’m still hoping for a simple thunderstorm, and leave it at that!”

  Leah grinned and gathered the children together. Teal gasped as she noticed a long black car drive slowly past. The threat of Tyrell still loomed before her.


  “Okay children. That’s it for today. I’d like you to head straight home. I’m letting you out early because of the approaching storm. Hurry up and get home now. I’ll see you in two days if the weather is better.” Teal put away her flute, and closed the case.

  “Well Leah, I hope you get home safe. I’ll see you soon. Let me know if you think of anything else we need for the school.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Teal. I’ll be leaving in a few minutes. I have to tidy up and close the building.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want help?” Teal asked.

  “No. Go on home to your new husband. You know, that man has done wonders for you. It’s like you’re a whole new woman.”

  Blushing, Teal said, “Oh, stop it, Leah. Maybe I should be on the lookout for one for you now?”

  Laughing, Leah shooed her out of the building. “Go on out of here, or I’ll make you close up!”

  Wiping tears of mirth from her eyes, Teal squawked and ran out the front door.

  She placed her flute in the back seat then tried to scream when she was grabbed from behind, her mouth covered by a large hand. She wasn’t able to utter a sound, but she kicked hard, hearing him grunt. Still, unable to get free, she soon found herself shoved into the back of the black car.

  Before she could scream, a hand gripped her hair, and turned her head. She was nose-to-nose with none other than Tyrell!

  “I’ve missed you Ms. Teal. Nice of you to join me. Now sit back, and behave yourself. You won’t like the consequences if you don’t.”

  Turning to the driver, he said something in Jamaican slang that she didn’t understand. The car sped off down the road. She sat between the two men, trying to hide her fear.


  Leah watched the black car take off and shuddered. She had to find Camden Brooke. His wife had just been kidnapped! The weather loomed ominously as she locked up the school, and made her way to her car. She raced along the dirt roads, knowing that Teal needed help fast. Tyrell hadn’t been interested in older women before, but there was something about Teal that he wanted.

  Thunder boomed as she made her way to the place where Cam worked for the day. She only hoped she could get to him in time.


  Hammering the final nail in the board, Cam looked at the sky and listened to the thunder rumbling. It was time to pack up and protect the supplies before the storm hit. He’d been in a hurricane the year before, and recalled that it was a terrifying experience. He had to get home to Teal before it hit.

  “Wrap it up boys. Make sure it’s snug. We don’t want to lose any supplies. I’ll pay you for the two hours we’re going to miss today. I want you all home safe before the storm gets here.”

  “Yes ,Mr. Cam,” Leon said, then rushed around making sure the team secured the site.

  A car came to a screeching halt in front of the building. It looked just like Teal’s. Cam climbed down from the ladder and raced over to the car. Leah stepped out, her face filled with terror.

  “What’s wrong Leah? Where’s Teal?” Cam asked, fear clawing at his gut.

  “Ms. Teal, she was taken by Don Tyrell. They grabbed her in front of the school, Mr. Cam. There was nothing I could do except steal her car to come get you.” She was shaking, tears pouring down her cheeks.

  “Did you see where they took her?” he asked, holding her arms so she would look at him.

  “No sir. They were headed away from his home, so I would guess that he took her to one of his places in town.”

  “Who can I contact that would know where all of his properties are?”

  “I’d know that, Mr. Cam.” Leon said, as he stood behind Cam, hammer in hand. “And I’ll help you search for her too.”

  “Me too, Mr. Cam,” said another of the workers.

  “And me,” said another.

  “You can count us all in, sir. We can split up and find her quicker,” Leon said.

  The men all raced off in different directions. Cam told Leah to take Teal’s car and get home to safety, before the storm hit. He wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  Leon went with Cam, and they searched each of Tyrell’s properties, looking for a sign that Tyrell had been there. The storm continued to build in its intensity, the way Cam’s fear did.

  Where was she? Was she alright? He’d never felt so helpless. He’d already lost one wife, he wasn’t about to lose another. This time, he’d fight to keep her!


  When they drove up to a large warehouse, Teal shuddered. The storm, the building, they were both a part of her prophetic dream. She hoped that Cam didn’t come looking for her. She couldn’t stand the thought of losing him, when she’d only just found him.

  Her horror intensified when she saw Simeon come swaggering out from the building. His satisfied sneer nearly made her cringe. He waltzed up to her, laughing in her face.

  “Look who’s the boss now. It isn’t you! No more of your rules woman! You can play by someone else’s rules now!”

  “Back off Simeon. She is mine first. I already told you that.” Tyrell snarled. “Get her inside. Now!”

  Simeon grabbed her arm, and dragged her along.

  Not expecting her to fight, he was shocked when she yanked her arm out of his. He turned to grab her again, and she kicked him hard, right between the legs.

  She took off running, making it only twenty feet away, before another of Tyrell’s henchmen grabbed her. Screaming, she fought him too, but was easily subdued, and dragged inside.

  The warehouse was huge. The roof stood two stories high, though there was no second floor. There were a few doors along one wall, but the rest of the building was open, filled with boxes and crates.

  The man holding Teal took her toward two pillars. Just like in her dream, he and another man tied her wrists to the poles. She was forced to sit down on a chair, her arms held out beside her.

  “If you scream, I’ll have to gag you, miss. Please don’t make me do that,” the man said. He was gentle with her, but followed Tyrell’s orders without question.

  Teal star
ed up at him. “Please. Just let me go,” she whispered.

  Ducking his head in shame, he moved away from her. He couldn’t help her, even though he appeared to want to. Tyrell would have him killed if he did.

  Teal was well known in the community for her work with the school. She’d given the children a chance at getting a good education, and the locals appreciated that.

  Simeon staggered in the door, still reeling from her blow to his genitals. When his eyes met hers, they were filled with hatred. He stumbled his way over to her.

  Grabbing her hair, he leaned in close, and snarled, “You will pay for that. When he’s done with you, you will be mine, and you will pay dearly.” Releasing her hair, he turned as if to go, but the back of his hand flew, landing a blow to her cheek. Her head rocked back, though she didn’t scream or cry out.

  He seemed surprised by that, and raised his hand to hit her again.

  “Simeon! If you touch her one more time, you will not have her when I’m done. Now back off!” Tyrell yelled.

  Narrowing his eyes, Simeon gave her a look that promised future retribution.

  Sticking her tongue out at him, she silently told him that she was not going to be easy to intimidate.

  Simeon looked startled. All of his women feared him. Why was this one so different?

  “Oh yeah, and Simeon? You were lousy in bed. I felt like I was going to vomit every time you touched me.”

  His eyes were so wide with fury that the whites were showing. Fists clenched, he turned and stomped his way to the office, rubbing his aching balls as he went.

  Teal laughed aloud as she watched him walk away.

  “Miss. You shouldn’t taunt him like that. He is a violent man,” one of the guards whispered.

  “Yeah, I know, but I have no defense left but my mouth—why do you work for Tyrell anyway? He’s an evil man,” she whispered

  “I have a family to feed, miss. I have no choice.”

  “We all have choices. There must be other jobs in Jamaica that you could do.”

  “The only other job I can do is building, but there are no jobs available,” he whispered, his eyes watching for Tyrell and Simeon.

  “My husband is a builder. He could give you a job. Think about that.”

  Tyrell came out of the office, heading toward her.

  The guard stopped speaking, and stood by her side in silence.

  Smiling, Tyrell came up to her, and stood far enough away that her feet couldn’t reach him.

  “I would recommend that you keep your feet to yourself, Teal. I have no boss to tell me to stop if I decide to hurt you.”

  At that, he moved closer still, standing in front of her, his knees touching hers. With one knee, he forced her legs apart and moved even closer.

  With his finger, he lifted her chin, staring into her eyes.

  “It is like staring into the ocean, when I look in your eyes. I have never seen anyone with eyes the color of yours,” he said softly. “The hatred I see in them is definitely something I have seen before. I like that.”

  “Let me go, Tyrell,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “Not afraid of me either. That too makes you unique.” His fingers caressed her cheek. “Soft. I would never guess you are in your forties. You seem much younger.”

  “Cut the crap you bastard. Let me go, or so help me I will make your life a living hell if you don’t,” she snarled, pulling at the ropes.

  Throwing his head back, Tyrell laughed at her.

  “I have a nice big bed in my office. Perhaps it’s time to take you there, and show you who’s the boss?” he said, leaning forward to kiss her.

  Turning her cheek at the last moment, she avoided his lips.

  “Don Tyrell? Don Tyrell, we have a problem.” A young Jamaican came running from the office.

  “What now?” Tyrell growled. Stepping away from Teal, he faced the young man.

  “Three of your storage buildings are on fire sir.”

  “Three? What is going on?” Tyrell turned to look at her. “Perhaps it is because of your new husband?”

  Teal kept her smug smile to herself.

  Turning back to the young man, Tyrell said, “Send two men to each location. Find out what is going on. Make it quick!”

  The man ran to the office to make the calls.

  “I guess our interlude can wait a bit longer,” he said, moving closer again.

  Before she could react, he locked his fingers in her hair and pulled her face close, capturing her lips with his. Teal kept her lips firm, not giving an inch. He tried to part her lips with his tongue. She allowed it and bit him.

  His head reared back, and he yelled, “You bitch!” His fist met her cheek, rocking her head back.

  Tyrell held his tongue with his fingers. When he pulled his fingers away, she saw blood.

  Grabbing her hair, he snarled, “When I do get you into my bed, you will pay for that.”

  “Go to hell you miserable bastard,” she snarled.


  His hand came up to hit her again, but the young man came back again, yelling, “Three more have caught fire, Don Tyrell!”

  Fury filled his eyes as he looked at her. “You and your husband will pay for that. He’s a dead man.” Turning, he rushed into his office, leaving her with the kind guard.

  “Miss, are you all right?” he whispered, remorse in his tone.

  Teal’s cheeks throbbed with pain, but she was elated to have caused Tyrell discomfort. She would not go down without a fight!

  “I’m okay. His bloody kiss was worse that the punches by a long shot. He’s disgusting,” she growled. Turning her head to her shoulder, she tried to wipe her mouth on her shirt. “Can you please wipe the spit off my face?” she asked.

  The guard looked around and saw that they were alone. He took the collar of her shirt and tenderly wiped her mouth.

  “Thank you. What is your name?” she asked.

  “Phillip ma’am. Phillip Bewdly.”

  “Well you can call me Teal, Phillip. Thank you for wiping my mouth.”

  She fell quiet, trying to ignore the pain. If it was the last thing she did, she would fight him. There was no way she was going to give into him easily. Six places on fire! Looks like Cam has gathered an army. She only hoped that she could escape before Cam was caught, and he would be, based on her dream.


  Thunder crashed like a bowling ball hitting pins. Lightning lit the sky, and the waves were twice their normal height, threatening floods for those who lived and worked near the shore. Cam and Leon huddled beneath a twisted palm tree as they studied the warehouse.

  Tyrell’s black car sat in the parking lot. Leon had called some of the men who had cell phones and asked them to keep up the distractions. Eight places were on fire now, and the men had four more set to go, once they’d removed any people from the buildings.

  A full-blown hurricane was on the way. Cam’s temper matched the tempest, burning like lava in his stomach.

  “He had better not have hurt my wife!” he said under his breath. Leon couldn’t hear him over the storm. Rain pelted them, growing stronger by the minute. They could barely see ahead of them in its intensity.

  Grabbing his friend’s arm, Cam yelled, “I’m going in, Leon. You wait for the guys, and come in after me if I’m not out in twenty minutes.”

  “I think you should wait, Cam. Give the guys time to get here!” Leon yelled back.

  Shaking his head, Cam took off, ignoring Leon’s cries. In seconds, he was at the door, ready to run in. Pausing, he tried the handle, finding it unlocked. He opened it and slipped inside.


  The Bride, She Fights

  While Teal waited to see what Tyrell was going to do with her, her new friend adjusted her ropes enough so that she could slip out of them when the time came.

  “I can’t to them any loser than that, Teal. He’ll kill me if he finds out that I loosened them as much as I did.”

s okay, Phillip. I think I can slip out of them. I only have to wait until the time is right.”

  The exterior door opened slowly, and then Cam stood there looking at her from across the cavernous room. She started shaking her head, wanting him to run. Her dream was coming true, and she was terrified that he would die.

  I don’t want to bury another husband. Please. Please let him be safe.

  Her eyes widened as he rushed over to her, ready to fight Phillip. Phillip simply stood there, and then dropped to the ground, feigning unconsciousness.

  “But I have to throw a punch first!” Cam said, surprised at the man’s act.

  Teal slipped her arms out of the ropes, and grabbed Cam’s arm. “We have to run, Cam. Now!”

  Just as they turned to head for the door, a voice stopped them.

  “Ah…the new husband. It must be my lucky day. You have a lot to answer for, Brooke. Twelve of my properties are on fire and I think you had something to do with it.”

  When they turned back, they saw Tyrell and Simeon, each holding a gun on them.

  “There are more men outside. If I don’t leave the building with Teal in five minutes, they’re coming in. This is a nice big warehouse. I would imagine it would be hard to replace so much stock.” Cam moved between Teal and the men.